Juniper berry essential oil benefits and uses include aromatherapy and antiseptic applications. The oil is regularly used for its cleansing nature for the body, reducing edema, and can benefit those who have problems with their kidneys and/or bladders. The… read more
Jasmine essential oil benefits and uses include a floral fragrance that that soothes, relaxes, uplifts, and enhances self-confidence. It is beneficial for the skin and popular for women’s skin care products due it its balancing nature. Jasmine oil can… read more
Idaho tansy essential oil benefits and uses include treatments for arteriosclerosis, hypertension, arthritis and rheumatism, respiratory infections, colds, flu, digestive problems, muscle spasms, bruises, pain, sprains and toothaches. The active properties are antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, antispasmodic, and… read more
Hyssop essential oil benefits and uses include feelings of alertness along with a reduction in fatigue and anxiety. It can also be effective in the case of viral and respiratory problems. It can give relief to those suffering from… read more
Horseradish Oil benefits and uses are numerous: it can be used as an antibacterial agent, and to relieve the symptoms of Colds, Influenza, Sinusitis, Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Tonsillitis, and Fever. It can be grated and applied directly to ease… read more
Useful in a wide range of medical problems including respiratory, digestive upsets, colds and sore throats. It is a common ingredient in thai soups and curries. It tones up tissues and is a remedy for sea sickness. It is… read more
It is useful for improving spiritual connections, and has comforting properties that stimulate and elevate the mind. It is valuable for making skin care products and is also recommended for ulcers, stomach disorders and soothing the urinary tract. It… read more
Fir essential oil can be diluted and applied to the skin to aid in arthritis, muscular pains, inflammation and rheumatism. It acts as an expectorant with the ability to kill germs and bacteria. It eases anxiety and infection and… read more
Its aroma is refreshing and harmonizing and can be added to massage oil. It eases coughs, chest and pulmonary related disorders. It is used for making fragrant room sprays and personal hygiene soaps, detergents and candles. It is recommended… read more
It helps in digestion, fights infection and is used for relaxation purposes. It is beneficial for bronchitis and other ailments. As an excellent source of iron, silicone and selenium, fenugreek helps the body utilizes oxygen more effectively. It is… read more