Cannabis Flower Essential Oil



Cannabis flower essential oil, also know as hemp essential oil (not to be confused with hemp seed oil) is well-suited to chronic ailments including stress and insomnia, respiratory tract problems, including asthma, hay fever and sinusitis, hormonal imbalances in women. The essential oil also contributes to feelings of well-being and boosts confidence, energy and optimism. It is also known to cure the common headache.

Instructions for Use

Use in creams for skin care and in perfumes, soaps and candles.

Use directly on the skin as an insect repellent against mosquitoes, gnats and others.

Thought to be effective against plant fungi. Mix with water and spray indoor plants for protection or outdoor plants seen to be infected.

Cannabis flower oil can be used as a suppository, applied topically, vaporized or ingested. It is also added to food and beverages as a flavoring agent.

History and Additional Information

Despite the illegal status of cannabis in many parts, serious research is increasingly showing that ingestion cannabis flower essential oil has the potential to fight cancer, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and Lou Gehrig’s disease.

It takes over 800 lbs. of hemp flowers to make just 1 lb. of hemp essential oil?

The oil is also used in foods such as candies and soft drinks.

Cannabis flower oil is currently unavailable or very limited for sale in the United States. If you do find a supplier (can be found below) be sure to research them. Few oils for sale contain any THC or CBD. The THC is generally extracted from the oil, but may be present in very small amounts. In some commercially available hemp essential oils, the CBD content can be quite high. Be sure to make a note of its qualities at time of purchase.


  • Latin/Botanical Name:  Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica
  • Other Names:   Hemp , Hemp Flower, Hemp Blossom, Cannabis Blossom
  • Family: Cannabinaceae
  • Part of Plant Used:  Flowers and upper leaves
  • Place of Origin: Black Sea(Sativa), Afghanistan(Indica)


  • Odor/Fragrance:  Earthy, sweet, peppery, sweet, floral
  • Color: Clear/pale-yellow to translucent-green
  • Aroma Strength: Medium
  • Consistency: Thick
  • Note: Top

Blending Suggestions: Lavender, vanilla

Safety Precautions for this Essential Oil: Cannabis flower is one of the gentlest oils and few people suffer any ill effects

Buy Cannabis Flower Essential Oil:

Best value per ounce:  IEmpoweredHealing (out of stock)

This brand is less expensive per ounce, but still offers a great value.

Rating: ★★★★

Click Here to Buy


Highest quality:  HempTraders (in stock)

This brand offers high quality, and still at a great value compared to other vendors.

Rating: ★★★★★

Click Here to Buy 10 ml bottle

Buy in Bulk (250ml)

Hemp Traders offers bulk hemp essential oil. Great for industrial uses such as soap making or cosmetics.
Buy bulk hemp essential oil at Hemp Traders



Is the Cannabis essential oil to be ingested? How much? When you say vaporized – do you smoke it or just smell it? How much do you apply to your skin and what are the benefits? How do you use it to help with hay-fever, stress, and insomnia?
Thanks so much!

Jeff Callahan

While Cannabis Flower Essential Oil is used as a flavoring agent in foods, I would never recommend ingesting an essential oil. It is also used in perfumes and cosmetics applied to the skin, but again, if applying to the skin, use appropriate dilution ratios.

When I say vaporized, I mean diffused with an essential oil diffuser as in aromatherapy.


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