Posts Tagged: essential oil blends

Costus Root Essential Oil

Benefits This essential oil has the ability to burn fats aiding in dieting or weight loss, regulates the  immune system, improves the digestive system, works as a skin ointment to slow down aging process and is effective in treating many… read more

Thyme Essential Oil

Benefits Thyme essential oil has effective anti-bacterial properties and helps in fighting oral health problems if used in mouthwash and toothpastes. It helps in relieving indigestion and other gastrointestinal problems, purifies blood, cures anemia, regulates the nervous system, and treats… read more

Cubeb Essential Oil

Cubeb Benefits Cubeb cures asthma and oral health problems, prevents nausea and helps in digestion. Cubeb berries aid in treating bronchitis. Cubeb Oil is used to treat head problems,speedup wound healing, regulate proper heart functioning and work as an anti-inflammatory.… read more