Cough Syrup

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  • #1351
    Pyra Gorgon

    In a 4 ounce old cough syrup bottle (I recycle old bottles!), combine:
    1. 1.5 oz. EverClear 95% grain alcohol (one jigger glass, keep in jigger glass). To this jigger of alcohol, add…
    A). 8 drops Peppermint Oil,
    B). 8 drops Benzoin oil/tincture
    C). 8 drops Lemon essential oil
    D). 8 drops Frankincense essential oil
    E). 8 drops Hyssop essential oil
    F). 4 drops White Thyme essential oil. Stir these together in alcohol well, then decant into your bottle.
    2. 1.5 oz. pure, raw organic honey, warmed so it pours easier into bottle,
    3. Top off bottle with hot distilled water.
    4. 3 drops Penzey’s Vanilla extract. (any will do, but I love Penzey’s Spices!)

    Shake well. Let cool. Recommended dose is 1 tsp to 1.5 tsp per dosage.

    I’ve used this for coughs and bronchial tightness and some onset of some asthma-like condition that is a remnant of my old smoking days. This cough syrup almost immediately quiets the tickle and cough and makes the tightness go away. It is easier to expectorate phlegm and makes you feel really open.

    [NOTE: I have experimented with crushing up 2 1000 mg guifenisen tablets (mucinex brand) and adding that to the hot water before mixing into the rest. I did not notice any improvement to the efficacy of this syrup doing that. Plus, you have to strain off all the crap they add to those pills, like stearic acid, cellulose, and god-knows-whateva-else they use for fillers. The recipe above I would say stands alone and does very well]

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