It vitalizes the body and mind and treats circulatory disorders like hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Colic, constipation problems, indigestion and cramps are also treated by this essential oil therapy. Hypertension, Insomnia and other stress related issues are also dealt with using yarrow oil. Many other people claim it is great for allergies, asthma and inflammatory issues.
Instructions for Use
The most common way to benefit from this oil is to make a diluted stomach tonic. Drinking the tonic will clear symptoms of cough, cold and flu.
It can also be applied externally for skin conditions such as eczema, acne and burns.
History and Additional Information
Chinese people have much to do with Yarrow as much of the stories are relating to it in their culture. It is said that this was grown on the grave of Confucius, their stems are said to be great for future divining; In addition, one of the Chinese proverb states that it increases the brightness in the eyes plus enhances the intelligence. Stories tell that Achilles used Yarrow on the Trojan War when his troops got injured.
- Latin/botanical name: Achillea millefolium
- Other names: Soldier’s, Woundwort, Knight’s Milfoil, Thousand Weed, Nose Bleed, Milfoil, Old Man’s Pepper.
- Family: Asteraceae
- Part of plant used: Dried herbs.
- Place of origin: Scotland, North America and Sweden.
- Odor/fragrance: Pungent, woody, sharp, herbaceous, sweet
- Color: dark blue, greenish, olive
- Aroma strength: Medium-strong
- Consistency: medium
- Note: middle
Blending Suggestions: Yarrow oil blends quite well with verbena, oak moss, angelica, pine, chamomile and cedar wood.
Safety Precautions for this Essential Oil: This is a neurotoxic, so you should be extremely cautious when using. pregnant women are not advised medically to use yarow essential oil as it can disturb the fetal formation. Prolonged use can cause irritating or sensitive skin issues and headaches.
Buy Essential Oil:
Highest Quality: Top Rated on Amazon
Expect to pay a bit more for a higher quality oil. Always choose the highest quality oil if you plan on using internally or topically.
Rating: ★★★★★
Best Value: Edens Garden
Expect a cheaper price tag for a less refined/pure product. Better if only used for aromatherapy or for a base scent.
Rating: ★★★★☆
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