Essential Oil Starter Kit
The most basic way to introduce a loved one to essential oils is by making them an essential oil starter kit! It is very simple. I recommend combining a basic set of essential oils, an essential oil guide/reference book and a diffuser. You can find my favorite brands below.
The book, “The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy” by Valerie Ann Worwood is pretty much the standard for people looking to learn more about aromatherapy and contains over 600 recipes.
1. Essential oil set:
14 Essential Oil Set by Edens Garden
Mountain Rose Essential Oil Starter Kits
2. Diffuser
ZAQ Electric Diffuser
Mountain Rose Herb’s Diffusers (8 different types)
3. Essential Oil Books
The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy Soaps
Soap making can be a difficult process for some, especially beginners, but it is so rewarding to make an all natural soap at home. Plus this soap smells so wonderful and makes your skin feel so soft! If you are up for the challenge, the payoff is totally worth it.
Learn how to make your own soaps at Simple Words:
Bath Salts
No, these aren’t the same bath salts you’ve been hearing about on the news. These are the wonderful additions that make any bath feel like a spa day. Making these bath salts is very simple and inexpensive. A great DIY idea for a budget-friendly holiday season.
Learn how to make your own bath salts at The Confident Mom:
Lip Balm
It seems like everyone is always using lip balm, especially during the winter when chapped lips are such a constant problem. Making your own lip balm is so simple, and the little containers look so cute when stuffed into a stocking!
Learn how to make your own essential oil lip balm at The Art of Homemaking:
Reed Diffusers
What an elegant way to beautify the scent of any room. It would never be acceptable to give someone a bottle of Febreze or a can of Glade, but when you give someone a homemade essential oil reed diffuser, it somehow becomes acceptable! The magic of essential oils. This one is especially fun, because you can customize the diffuser in so many ways. So feel free to get creative and make the diffuser your own.
Learn how to make your own essential oil reed diffuser at Radical Possibility:
Massage Oils
This gift is probably best for your significant other, or maybe even your girlfriends. Just be careful not to send the wrong message! The oils can be made in minutes, and will last ages.
Learn how to make essential oil based massage oils at Fresh Picked Beauty:
Maybe one of my favorite ideas. There are literally infinite possibilities when it comes to creating your own fragrances. You can personalize the scent for the recipient to match their unique tastes. You can experiment to get the scent just right and give them a gift that no one else in the planet will ever receive. Imagine the flattery or having your own signature scent! The post below will give you a few ideas to start with, but after learning the basics, you can become your own “scentologist”.
Learn how to make your own perfumes and colognes at The Timeless Now:
Body Scrubs
Body scrubs are great because they have so much bang for the buck. Not only do you get great cleansing power, but also a gentle exfoliant and a great fragrance! Making body scrubs might be one of the easiest of all gifts, and it is so natural you can eat it – can you say that about any of the other products in your shower?
Learn how to make your own essential oil coconut sugar scrub at Plant Therapy:
Bath Bombs (aka Bath Fizzers)
These are fun for both kids and adults alike. Who thought you could ever make something like this at home? I thought the fizz reaction could only be created by a mad scientist, but apparently not. Think of bath bombs as Alka-Seltzer for the tub. Put it in a warm bath, and let the fizzing powers cure all your woes! These things usually sell for $5-10 dollars a pop at high end stores, but you can make your own at home for cents!
Learn how to make your own essential oil bath bombs at Garden Therapy:
Scented Play-Clay
Have a small child on your shopping list? Everyone knows kids love play-doh, and now you can make your own version at home with unique scents! There are several safe essential oils which can be blended with the home-made dough that will leave kids having fun for hours! (Please be sure to check the essential oil you use for safety on skin first-don’t be a doh-doh! For example: they suggest wintergreen and birch, but these oils contain methyl salicylate, the same stuff in Icy Hot and Aspirin. I wouldn’t want that on my kids’ hands!)
Learn how to make scented play-clay at Aroma Tools:
Buy Ingredients on Amazon
If you end up trying any of these gift ideas, please share your photos with me on Facebook and I will be sure to post them on the page, and include them in this post!
If you are new to buying essential oils and want to know which brand is the best, I trust Mountain Rose Herbs the most. They offer pure therapeutic-grade, organic essential oils, and I love their new packaging design!

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