Posts Tagged: bergamot

Angelica Root Essential Oil

Benefits Angelica Root Oil has been shown to help fight infections and stimulate the immune system. It helps with the elimination of toxins. Angelica is a stimulating expectorant so is a good remedy for chest problems – colds, coughs and… read more

Myrtle Essential Oil

Benefits It has antibacterial and anti-septic qualities, it is an expectorant and an astringent. Additionally, it is a relaxant and a sedative as well as an aphrodisiac. It is an astringent, nerve relaxant, anti-catarrhal, and helps with overall skin care… read more

Tagetes Essential Oil

Benefits The benefits of tagetes, or marigold essential oil, are numerous. If is often suggested that this oil can combat staph infections. It is also good for people who suffer from anxiety, insomnia, or stress. It is good to use… read more

Ginger Essential Oil

Benefits Ginger Essential Oil treats many diseases including nausea, flu, colds, coughs and other respiratory problems. It is warming in nature and frequently used as an effective anti-spasmodic. Users report a feeling of re-invigoration and boost in self-esteem when using… read more

Frankincense Essential Oil

Benefits It is useful for improving spiritual connections, and has comforting properties that stimulate and elevate the mind. It is valuable for making skin care products and is also recommended for ulcers, stomach disorders and soothing the urinary tract. It… read more

Dill Essential Oil

Benefits Key benefits of dill oil include: Anti-spasmodic, digestive, carminative, disinfectant, sedative. It promotes lactation, induces sweating, and increases appetite. Instructions for Use This essential oil can be taken to aid digestion, protectagainst infections and reduce anxiety. It can also… read more

Costmary Essential Oil (Bible Leaf)

Benefits It is an astringent, antiseptic, aperient, aromatic, carminative and diaphoretic. Costmary oil is used to treat colds, worms, dysentery and to reduce the pain of childbirth. It cures tetras ulcer, indigestion, gas and rheumatism, etc. Instructions for Use Best… read more

Clary Sage Essential Oil

Benefits Clary sage essential oil has a very high estrogen-like content. The result of this is that people who are at risk of breast cancer may find it very useful. Although the effects have not been extensively researched, many people… read more

Carrot Seed Essential Oil

Benefits Carrot seed oil contains vitamin A for the healing and growth of tissues in the human body. It helps to balance the skin, whether oily or dry, prevents skin cancer and helps to cleanse both the liver and gallbladder.… read more